Dream About Shoes? Islamic Dream Interpretation | Dream explanation in islam
Dream About Shoes : Islamic Dream Interpretation
Islamic Dream Interpretation
And if you see DREAM ABOUT SHOES is green. It is argued that his journey will be for the Hereafter and if he sees that he does dream about shoes not have a shoe, then he has stopped the journey. It is argued that he will find a maidservant.
Shoes Dream Meaning? Dream explanation in islam
Hazrat Jabir Maghribi (may Allah have mercy on him) Dream Explanation In Islam said. If you see that his shoe is black. Arguably, that woman will be wealthy. Shoes Dream Meaning And if it is red, then his wife will be luxurious and happy. Shoes Dream Meaning And if you see that his shoe is white. It is argued that his wife will be pious and pure.
Dream explanation in islam
And if you see that her shoes have all the above-mentioned colors, then this woman will have all the attributes.
Islamic Dream Interpretation
And if you see that his shoes are made of cowhide. It is argued that his wife will be an original foreigner. Dream Interpretation Shoes And if the shoes are made of camel leather. It is argued that the origin of this woman will be from Arabia. SHOES DREAM MEANING And if you see that his shoe has fallen or is lost while he is walking, consider what kind of leather the shoe's laces are made of. If they are of camel skin, his wife will be sick.
Dream Interpretation Shoes: Dream Dictionary Islam
Hazrat Ismail Ashaat (R.H) said. DREAM INTERPRETATION SHOES If you see that his shoe is torn, this is the interpretation.
Islamic Dream Interpretation
Hazrat Jafar Sadiq (peace be upon him) said that seeing shoes in a dream is due to three reasons: (1) Travel (2) Women (3) Maids.